Mapping Industry in Calderdale 3

So since the last post the transcribed newspaper articles and adverts has grown to over 1000 pages, and is now split into four volumes covering the period 1759 to 1919.

I now have a searchable file of 8801 places in Calderdale. This includes roads and streets together with named tracks and paths. The latter two may have had a different significance in the past. I have also included named buildings, the names of hills, woods and named water features. Once again this started with Ordnance Survey OpenData and using mainly 6in and 25in OS sheets, but more recently the Ordnance Survey 1:500 Town Plans, thanks to the National Library of Scotland ( This has added many more long gone Streets, Courts, Yards, etc. and by adding additional information to the Comment field it is now possible to search for alternative names, where these have changed, and to handle names with or without an apostrophe. The example below will find Gardener’s Square, with or without the apostrophe.

To continue the stats there are now:
838 industrial sites
1132 mining features
1187 quarries
6332 directory entries, but more work is needed to confirm the location some of the businesses.
8361 photos, although not all Calderdale, and not all will be in the final collection.

Mapped data March 2022

See earlier posts

Mapping Industry in Calderdale

Mapping Industry in Calderdale 2

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